Food News, Trends & Research

Sometimes it’s hard to sift through all the information out there and know what the latest food news means for you and your family. Here, we break down trending food topics and dig deeper into local food, agriculture issues and more!

  • what's a grain elevator THUMBNAIL

    How Do Grain Elevators Work?

    What are grain elevators and how do they work? Learn more about this important part of crop farming!

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  • Heifer in wheat field at sunset

    What’s the Difference Between Beef and Dairy Cattle?

    Are cows and cattle the same? What's the difference? What about beef cattle vs. dairy cows? Learn about the different types of bovine livestock.

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  • What is ethanol?

    Ethanol Plants in Kansas

    What Is Ethanol? Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is a renewable biofuel made from plants, unlike fossil fuel. Fuels containing ethanol burn  more cleanly than regular gas, which helps reduce harmful emissions from cars and other machinery. Together, ethanol boosts the octane in regular gas,...

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  • Mooing cows

    Why Do Cows Moo?

    What does it mean when cows moo? Cow mooing is a way for cattle to communicate with each other. Find out some common moo-to-English translations.

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  • Test Your Kansas IQ

    How Kansas Are You?

    Take our quiz to find out!

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  • Rustic cedar Christmas decorations

    Decorate a Rustic Farmhouse Christmas Tree

    We love the holidays because something as simple as the first snowflake or a treasured ornament can conjure up a wealth of wonderful memories. For many, choosing and decorating a Christmas tree is a tradition held dear. 

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  • Fruitcake

    What Holiday Food Are You?

    Let's face it, things get stressful this time of year. Sometimes we'd rather hide under the covers and take personality quizzes until it's time to eat. We decided to give you a break so you can do just that! Curl up and take our quiz to find out which holiday food matches your...

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  • Aerial view of Midwest crop patchwork

    How Land Is Used in the U.S.

    Have you ever wondered exactly how much of the country is used for farming? Or how much forest area there is? Using information from a variety of sources, Bloomberg released a fun and interesting interactive map that shows how land is used in the United States. The map shows several...

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  • Bluestem students love farm chores

    Ag Is a Natural Learning Tool for Kansas Elementary School

    Can you imagine your kids being disappointed if they don’t get to do their chores? At Bluestem Elementary School in Leon, this actually happens. “Behavior-wise in my classroom, it’s first, you get a warning, second you lose recess, third you don’t get to do chores,” fourth-grade teacher...

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  • Kansas Wheat Test Kitchen

    What Happens in the Kansas Wheat Test Kitchen

    The test kitchen is dedicated to helping people transform that wholesome wheat into something delicious and nutritious for the table. When you think of going farm to fork, that’s what the test kitchen is all about. They make the connection by creating and promoting delicious recipes,...

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